Dawn Eyes Cosmetics ‘Sugar Shifter’ Premium Pigments: Swatches and Discount Code

The Dawn Eyes Cosmetics Valentine’s Day inspired collection is available now! The collection includes 9 iridescent, duochrome pigments that are available in three sizes. A sample size for $6, mini jar for $12 or full sized jar for $20. Plus you can use our affiliate code BEAUTYCULT to save 15% which would bring the prices down to $5.10/$10.20/$17.

First up is ‘Passionate’ and straight on it’s pink with bright, acid green reflects and then it shifts blue, teal and purple.

Loving is a pale coral pink with a white gold to green shift with almost a hint of blue from some angles.

Adoring has a baby blue base laced with a bright green iridescent shimmer that shifts pink and lavender.

Next up is Hypnotizing. It’s an aqua blue with heavy gold shimmer. It shifts between every shade of blue, green and gold imaginable.

Tender is my current favorite out of the whole shebang! It’s a soft pink with lavender undertones that flips green and has a hint of a blue shift. It’s similar to Passionate but it’s softer and has a smooth finish whereas Passionate is a little more bold and a lot more sparkly.

Cherished has a baby blue base that shifts teal, lavender, purple and pink.

Infatuated is a cool, sparkly pink with an iridescent teal to blue to lavender shift.

I think that Mesmerizing is tied with Tender as my favorite shade(s) of the collection. It’s a cool toned mauvey lavender with a warm barbie pink shift and pink sparkle. You know what it reminds me of? Remember those Lime Crime Superfoils? The double shadows that came in the little pink compacts? They were amazing at first but then they started getting moldy or rusty or ‘dewy’. Idk if an official diagnosis was ever made before they got discontinued. Anyway. There was a shade similar to this that I absolutely adored.

And last but not least, Devoted has an aqua/teal base that shifts lavender and a sparkly pink flip.

How pretty is this collection?? I absolutely love it! These pigments are very finely milled so they’ll adhere to a regular eye primer or Dawn has two eye bases designed specifically for their pigments. Also we’re giving away this whole collection over on Instagram so make sure that you enter!

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