Viseart’s Grande Pro Palette – Volume 1

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Shop this baby at MUSE BEAUTY PRO HERE.

Before 2017 ends do yourself a favor and get yourself a good base palette. Go big or go home! VISEART’S GRANDE PRO I is precisely the one stop shop for any matte you could need. I am so overwhelmed by palettes nowadays, I feel there is so many and so many options to choose from every time Im doing my makeup, that I retreat to my cocoon of a safe dark matte Ochre/brown/red that seems to have been my uniform this fall.

Im entering palette rehab! there was a point this summer that I used 7 palettes for a look and honestly: I am probably using the same shades over and over just from different makers. Im in a rut! so, to battle this and to prevent my further purchasing of random palettes; I am forcing myself to use one palette at a time, for every time I do my makeup. This will make me step out of my comfort zone and let my creativity stretch out its horns whilst making sure I use my palettes thoroughly and not just the same shades. Also will help with my low buy.

*disclaimer: I keep putting myself on low buy, which means I will only buy things to review based on your request/popularity/need for the masses for a review etc, as I myself shouldn’t be allowed to buy anything since my makeup stash is out of hand. Also, cause I need to Christmas shop and so far Ive only managed to get myself stuff. #teheee.

That said, starting my challenge with this palette is practically cheating..

The palette itself was a collaboration between Viseart’s Anastasia and Muse Beauty’s Alphonse Wiebelt. The shades swatch so easily and evenly without any problem, there is no powderiness, there is no patchyness. They are just straight up VISEART and we know what that means.

Once applied to the eye, it’s easy to forget shimmers, to just get carried away with a simple two toned look that’s sharp and sleek- why complicate things? I’m seriously impressed with it, and it’s minimalistic packaging it’s perfect for on the go, keeping it sturdily protected.

There were only 3000 made and  are a hefty $175 but they are full sized pans of every shade you will need for warm or cool toned looks, if you have other Viseart palettes already this probably seem overkill since the shades are similar to their existent (they claim there are new shades, but unless you are looking for a specific tonality – you are good with your current alternatives of whatever is in your stash).  This will be most enjoyed by the working MUA and matte aficionado.

The shades don’t have names, so Ill refer to them as 1,2,3…
My boring winter self wants to live on this row and call it a day
This row should be called Angela. Im tempted in depotting this row and sending it to her.
I WAS SO PLEASANTLY SURPRISED! This purple (shade 5) is life itself!!
The return of the blues, but fret not as these aren’t your dated 90’s blue eyeshadows! 

Let me know if you pocketed one and what looks are you creating! This is an overall goodie, powerhouse of a palette, and the “Volume I” is indication that there are more of these larger releases to come.

Bring it Viseart!


click MUSE BEAUTY PRO to purchase!


  1. I’ve been going back and forth on whether I needed this but I think I’m going to take the plunge! Now that beautylish has it, it’s a little easier on my wallet. Lol. I’m so in love with viseart’s mattes! They are seriously the best!! Your swatches look amazing as always!


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